July 2009


Monday, 07/13/2009 21:47  |  by Anne Claire Broughton

Welcome to SJF Advisory Services’ “Engage Employees” blog! This site will focus on workforce engagement and compensation tools and techniques that, along with a strong company culture, can help employers decrease employee turnover and increase profits. We hope industry research and success stories will inspire you to support or expand employee engagement initiatives in your businesses or sectors

SJF Employee Financial Stability Webinar Offers Solutions

Wednesday, 07/15/2009 15:27  |  by Anne Claire Broughton

Yesterday afternoon, SJF was pleased to host an Employee Financial Stability Webinar. This hour-long session allowed four presenters to give tips on how best to help workers improve their financial standing. This topic is particularly pertinent today, as the United States wades through a troubling recession. As a result, many families struggle to stay afloat financially. Fortunately, our presenters offered lots of best practices and other useful information designed to help businesses assist their employees.