The SJF Institute Knowledge Bank is a set of resources to help entrepreneurs grow their sustainable businesses.
In order to advance the green economy, the SJF Institute contributes knowledge to the fields of employee engagement and impact investing. Our knowledge bank includes best practices papers, case studies, and links to additional resources for business planning.
SJFI White Papers
Impact Investing: Positive Impact Reports
- 2011 Positive Impacts Report
- 2010 Positive Impacts Report
- 2009 Positive Impacts report
- 2008 Positive Impacts report
- 2007 Positive Impacts report
Impact Investing: Investment Case Studies
Employee Engagement
- Employees Matter: Maximizing Company Value through Workforce Engagement Report
- Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck Report
- Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck Appendices
- Broad-based Employee Incentive Arrangements
Business Planning
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC): Developing a Business Plan for your Rapidly Growing Company
- BizPlanIt's Virtual Business Plan
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Entrepreneurial Support Centers and Services
The following sites provide information and resources on business finance planning, starting and growing companies, and similar topics:
- SBA Small Business Development Center Locator
- Kauffman Foundation's
- Inc Magazine
- Wall Street Journal Center for Entrepreneurs
General Financing Resources
The following venture capital resources and business finance resources are networks or programs that facilitate connections to financing for growing businesses:
- Community Development Venture Capital Alliance; national network of community development venture capital funds.
- The U.S. Treasury Department’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund site; includes a searchable award database.
- National Association of Small Business Investment Companies; features a state-by-state listing of Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs) throughout the United States.
- Investors' Circle; network of socially responsible, early-stage investors.
- The Cleantech Group; connects environmental technology companies with venture capital resources.
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and Small Business Technology Transfer program; federally funded programs for technological innovation.
- Angel Capital Association; directory of angel groups across the United States.
Financing sources specific to green businesses
- Georgia Green Loans; many are specific to Georgia or the Southeast, but there are links to federal resources as well.
- Jobs Now/Financing Your Business; resources for financing green businesses in North Carolina
- Self-Help Credit Union; sustainable development financing, including loans to recycling and sustainable agriculture entrepreneurs, and renewable energy producers. Self-Help’s commercial lending team continues to seek opportunities to lend within the green space, specifically in renewable energy development (e.g., solar, biofuels) and recycling; contact green commercial lending officer jane [at] self-help [dot] org (Jane Hatley) for further information.