The SJF Cleantech Mentorship Program provides a unique opportunity for cleantech entrepreneurs to accelerate the growth of their companies by engaging with experienced entrepreneurial and industry leaders. The primary goal of this initiative is to improve these sustainable enterprises' ability to attract private investment capital, thereby improving their opportunities for success, and bringing more role models to the field of sustainable enterprise.
Currently, there are twenty-three confirmed Mentors who will be participating in the SJF Cleantech Mentorship Program. 2011 Mentors include; Michael Caslin Chairman & CEO of URGENT VC, Matthew Nordan Vice-President of Venrock, Govi Rao President & CEO of Noveda Technologies, and Steve Smith Managing Partner at Pegasus Capital Advisors (previously Senior Managing Director at GE Equity).
View the full list of participating mentors
View all 2011-2012 participants, including both mentors and entrepreneur fellows
Eligible Entrepreneurs
Early stage cleantech entrepreneurs that are committed to accelerating their private company's growth and are able and willing to participate in program activities.
Click here if you are an entrepreneur located in the Northern Mid-Atlantic region (green shaded area on map)
Click here if you are an entrepreneur located in Appalachia region or Southeast (blue shaded area on map)
Eligible Mentors
A select group of seasoned professionals who have launched, had senior management roles, and/or advised high growth, profitable companies are eligible to apply.
Read more about being a mentor for the SJF Cleantech Mentorship program
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
2010 SJF Cleantech Mentorship Program Summary
The 2010 SJF Cleantech Mentorship program included six content sessions which covered strategic planning, pitching to investors and valuation/terms discussion, sales and marketing strategy, managing growth and effective leadership, one-on-one with investors, and an open forum networking session. In addition to the content sessions and feedback from SJF staff, entrepreneurs participating in the program received guidance and feedback from experience mentors throughout the year.
2010 Fellows
2010 Mentors